My experience with the Self-collection Cervical Cancer test - 23rd January 2025

But yesterday was a little different. Whilst going through all of my other standard tests like blood pressure and medications etc, my GP caught me off-guard. "You know it's time for your cervical cancer screening. I assumed you were avoiding our SMSs. Why don't you just do a self-collection now and get it done".
Are you kidding? NOW?!
My doctor explained that the test checks for HPV, which is a type of STI and in her words 'In our industry, it's basically the common cold of the STIs and is self-resolving in most instances, but there are two forms that are a little more concerning, which is what we are really testing for."
According to her, these two forms of HPV can cause cervical cancer in women, and although I understood her reasoning and the importance of the test, I still wasn't sold on the idea.
"It's basically a covid swab for the cervix. Insert like a tampon, do a quick whip-around a couple of times, and you're done". You'll only need to see me if we find anything of concern."
I mean sure, that doesn't sound that daunting, but what the heck is this 'thing' I'm meant to insert. My mind was picturing all sorts of crazy things, from a weird tampon, to the metal contraption they use in a regular screening to open the area. Then she hands me this little stick in a tube. It quite literally is a covid swab for the cervix.
I begrudgingly agreed. But I was done in a matter of 30 seconds. It was painless, non-invasive, private and easy. And best of all, I'm done for another 5 years, unless something comes back.
The best piece of advice my doctor gave me was that "if they find any HPV that is of concern, I will let you know, and you will have to come in and do one of the old school tests. But even if we do need to do this... DO NOT ASSUME IT IS CANCER. This is not the case. It just means that we need to do a bit more of a thorough testing." OK, Good to know.
So as far as my experience with the 'newish' Cervical Cancer Self-collection test goes..... It's a 4 out of 5 for me. (and only because I still had to do the test, and I am very stubborn!).
Ladies, Just do it!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM CPSA - 25th December 2024
It’s Christmas night as I write this, my heart filled with joy. Today was filled with the sounds of love and laughter, presents opening around the tree, kids playing, family spending time enjoying each-others company. My house is still a mess with wrapping paper and presents strewn across the living room in a way that would usually drive me nuts!
But now, at 11pm, my home is filled with the snoring sounds of tired but fulfilled humans who’s bellies are full of amazing food, lots of desserts, happy memories and grateful hearts. As a mum, a partner and an aunty / sister-in-law, I couldn’t ask for anything more.
For my family, Christmas day meant waking my daughter up at 7:30am and sharing in so many presents that we were still going 45 mins later. There were many little squeals of excitement and even the look of disbelief. “Mum, did you actually buy me a STANLEY? This isn’t some prank?” (I may be known for playing a practical joke or two).
After all of our gifts were unwrapped, we hurried to get ready to visit our family 80 odd minutes away. Christmas lunch at ‘Aunty’s’ house is a tradition. She always cooks a hot lunch with lamb, pork, turkey, all of the veggies you could dream of and most importantly the ‘secret stuffing.’ The stuffing is a recipe she and her dad used to make together and quite frankly, it is the main event of lunch!
Cousins played together and swapped stories of different gifts they received with excitement, the adults caught up with one another over a glass of wine and we ate (way too much).
We played games together and we ate even more when the desserts came out. There was Christmas crackers followed by some of the worst jokes that we all know and expect on a day like today. It’s a very casual but very joyous event, and I know, that whilst some people are now missing from our table, I am so fortunate to spend each Christmas in the way that I do and how we as busy people can often take these beautiful things for granted.
Today I spent a bit of time thinking about all of the families who are currently staying in our homes across Australia and what it might be like for them on a day like today. Some have been able to visit home for a few weeks, nearing the end of treatment, whilst others are still very much in the thick of it all. One thing that I really thought a lot about was the possible feeling of isolation for these families in particular. Where Christmas may have previously had looked very similar to mine, I can only really try to imagine what it would feel like for someone experiencing cancer who has had to uproot to a new city for what is often an undetermined amount of time. Maybe there are a few family members visiting, or maybe none at all. It really got me thinking about how important connection is and especially on significant days.
We know that many people struggle with making a phone call in a world that is so tech-focused. An sms or generic ‘meme’ is so much quicker and seems like the most common form of communication nowadays and believe me when I say that I am one of the biggest culprits of taking the easy way out here. But how much better would it be, to actually hear from your loved ones via a call? To be able to converse in ‘real, unfiltered time’. The gap between what used to be, and the ‘now’ can be made that little bit smaller through the power of true and intentional conversation.
For those of you who may have family or friends that are currently away, please.... Pick up the phone tomorrow and call your loved ones. We know that it can sometimes be a hard thing to do, and may even make you feel an element of guilt about celebrating especially if your loved ones are struggling, but here is something that we know to be true...
a) Your loved ones want you to celebrate. Life is precious.
b) They miss you.
c) They don’t want you to feel guilty. And they still want to hear about all of the antics, as if they were there. They are still the same person, but please also remember to ask about how they are doing, and allow them to share with you some of their ‘hard stuff’ too.
d) Please, just call!
For those of you who are spending Christmas day away from your loved ones, whatever the circumstances, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and we hope that you will be able to be home again very soon.
As for me, I am going to bed feeling extremely grateful tonight. And well, that lounge room can wait until tomorrow! In the grand scheme of things.... Having my house tidy isn’t really what is important to me on a day like today.